Western brandsbet on Chinese shoppers staying at home beyond the Covid-19 pandemic.
?Roman Pilipey/EPA-EFE 愛德華·懷特和利拉·阿布德2021年4月16日于首爾和巴黎報道
When poets,literati and courtiers fell out of favour with China’s emperors, they werebanished to the island of Hainan to fend for themselves among wild jungles andindigenous tribes.
Today, thetropical resort destination known as China’s Hawaii has become a rare brightspot in the global luxury market, which has been hit hard by the coronaviruspandemic.
“海南島火了。”旗下?lián)碛蠱ichaelKors和范思哲(Versace)品牌的CapriHoldings負責人約翰·D·伊多爾(John D Idol)今年2月對分析師表示。
“Hainan Islandis on fire,” John D Idol, who heads Capri Holdings, owner of the Michael Korsand Versace brands, told analysts in February.
為了刺激國內(nèi)消費,中國政府已將海南島變成了一個免稅購物中心。游客可以盡情享受古馳(Gucci)和普拉達(Prada)的時裝、卡地亞(Cartier)的珠寶、雅詩蘭黛(ESTēE LAUDER)的美容產(chǎn)品或麥卡倫(Macallan)的高檔威士忌。
To boostdomestic consumption, the Chinese government has turned the island into aduty-free shopping hub. Visitors can indulge in fashion from Gucci and Prada,jewellery from Cartier, beauty products from Este?e Lauder or premium whiskyfrom The Macallan.
Hainan becameeven more popular when Covid-19 travel restrictions meant Chinese consumers,who have driven luxury sector growth in recent years, could no longer go onshopping trips to Paris, London, Milan or Hong Kong.
海南島是奢侈品重心向中國傾斜的有力象征,這很像幾十年前日本購物者的"回流"趨勢。他們過去也在國外購買路易威登(Louis Vuitton)和巴黎世家(Balenciaga)的產(chǎn)品,而現(xiàn)在則在國內(nèi)購買。
The island is apowerful symbol of how luxury’s centre of gravity is tilting towards China,mirroring the “repatriation” trend in earlier decades of Japanese shoppers whoused to buy Louis Vuitton and Balenciaga abroad but now do so at home.
Nowhere is thisclearer than at sector leader LVMH, whose accelerating recovery has beenfuelled in large part by China. The company said on Tuesday that itsfirst-quarter sales in Asia excluding Japan were 26 per cent higher than in thecorresponding period of 2019, before the pandemic.
Even whenChinese shoppers can travel again, analysts expect they will continue to buy athome as brands open bricks-and-mortar stores and expand ecommerce offerings,such as virtual stores on Alibaba’s Tmall Luxury Pavilion.
The share ofChinese consumers’ high-end purchases within the country soared from 32 percent in 2019 to more than 70 per cent in 2020, according to consultancy Bain,and is expected to be about 55 per cent by 2025 once the pandemic effect fades.
今年三十歲的Amy Dai是這些奢侈品品牌所吸引的典型消費者之一。她居住在重慶,過去曾前往歐洲購買奢侈品,是中國每年1.7億海外游客中的一員。在疫情爆發(fā)前,中國游客的支出占全球奢侈品銷售總額的三分之一以上。
Amy Dai isemblematic of the consumer those brands have been able to attract. The30-yearold resident of Chongqing used to make pilgrimages to Europe to buyluxury goods, one of China’s 170m annual overseas travellers whose spendingaccounted for more than a third of all global luxury sales before the pandemicstruck.
But last year,Dai took a two-hour flight to the Hainan city of Sanya to shop, and to do soturned to online platforms. Her spending on luxury items topped Rmb1m($150,000) last year, more than in 2019.
“Before thepandemic, I did prefer going abroad or occasionally I would buy from overseaspurchasing agents,” she said. “Since the pandemic started I’ve switched todomestic retailers, because otherwise I can’t get the latest editions in time.”
The luxurysector is counting on Chinese consumers to fuel the recovery after a difficult2020 in which sales contracted by roughly a fifth to €217bn globally, accordingto Bain.
China’scomparatively successful suppression of the virus and rapid economic recovery —gross domestic product growth returned to pre-pandemic levels in the fourthquarter — played a pivotal role in maintaining optimism.
The recovery wasinitially spurred by “revenge shopping”, or indulging after the world’s mostpopulous country emerged from a nationwide lockdown, but has since given way tosomething more durable.
“There areplenty of rich people who have benefited from the pandemic as they work in high-growthindustries or own well-performing stocks,” said a Beijing-based employee of aEuropean brand. High-end jewellery, the person added, was “selling like crazy”.
The pandemicalso accelerated shifts that were under way in China’s luxury market, such asthe expansion of ecommerce, lower import duties and tighter controls over thegrey market driven by daigou, professional shoppers who buy watches, jewellery,clothes and cosmetics overseas on behalf of mainland Chinese. Brands hadalready begun narrowing the price differential that had made goods sold inChina more expensive than those stocked in Europe or the US.
Such trends haveprompted luxury brands to invest more in China.
杰富瑞(Jefferies)分析師的一份報告顯示,只有路易威登(Louis Vuitton)、博柏利(Burberry)和古馳(Gucci)在中國最大的25個城市都開設(shè)了門店,這表明其他品牌在這方面可能需要“加把勁”。
A report fromJefferies analysts found that only Louis Vuitton, Burberry and Gucci had storesin all of China’s 25 biggest cities, suggesting that others might need toexpand their footprints.
Planting a flagin Hainan could be an effective way to get in front of more Chinese consumers.
日本化妝品品牌資生堂(Shiseido)計劃在年底前,將其在海南的銷售柜臺數(shù)量增加一倍,增至60個。雅詩蘭黛(Este?e Lauder)也表示,消費者對其產(chǎn)品有強勁的需求。
Shiseido, theJapanese beauty brand, plans to double its sales counters on the island to 60by the end of the year. Este?e Lauder also said it was experiencing strongdemand.
Beauty andcosmetics products account for almost half of all duty free sales in Hainan,according to Bernstein Research, while luxury goods make up about one-third ofsales. But the latter are growing rapidly with the number of luxury brands onthe island up 80 per cent in the past six years. “We expect more are going tocome,” Bernstein analysts wrote.
Chen Xin, ananalyst at UBS, said Hainan’s duty free sales more than doubled in 2020 fromthe previous year to Rmb30bn, and she forecast a compound annual growth rate of40 per cent from 2019-25.
Furtherunderpinning this growth were policy changes intended to build up duty freeshopping on the island.
Others worrythat the island risks being abused by daigou.
“我們相信海南的發(fā)展是積極的,但我們必須保持謹慎,共同努力,以確保這里不會成為中國灰色產(chǎn)業(yè)的溫床,”全球最大奢侈品集團路易威登的首席財務官讓·雅克·吉約尼(Jean Jacques Guiony)表示。
“We believe thedevelopment of Hainan is positive but we must remain careful and work togetherto ensure that it does not become a hub for the grey market in China,” saidJean Jacques Guiony, chief financial officer of LVMH, the world’s biggestluxury group.
“If consumerstravel to Hainan and come to our boutiques, then we are ready to serve them.But if it is to buy in bulk and then resell to intermediaries, then no.”
盡管存在這些擔憂,但路易威登集團已通過其旅游零售部門DFS在海南進行擴張。他們與深圳市國有免稅商品(集團)有限公司(ShenzhenDuty Free Group)合作,在一個著名度假勝地開設(shè)了一個名為??谟^瀾湖(Mission Hills)的免稅購物商城。免稅城于今年1月開業(yè),未來兩年將繼續(xù)擴大規(guī)模,達到3萬多平方米的零售空間。
Despite thoseconcerns, LVMH has expanded on Hainan via DFS, its travel retail division. Thecompany has partnered with Shenzhen Duty Free Group on a duty free mall calledHaikou Mission Hills located in a popular resort. It opened in January but willbe expanded over the next two years to reach more than 30,000 sq m of retailspace.
來自上海的35歲營銷主管Sharron Zhou在春節(jié)期間去海南旅游時,就遇到了擁擠的人潮,這讓她望而卻步,最終空手而歸?!案揪驼也坏降陠T……還有人踩我的腳,”她說。不過,像觀瀾湖這樣的免稅城可能有助于緩解這種情況。
Suchdestinations could help alleviate the crowds that Sharron Zhou, a 35-year oldmarketing executive from Shanghai, ran into during her trip to Hainan over thelunar new year. She was so put off she did not buy anything. “You couldn’tfindsalespeople . . . People were stepping on my feet,” she said.
王雪喬(音)、孫宇(音)、愛麗絲·伍德豪斯(Alice Woodhouse)于上海、北京和香港補充報道
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